So what makes it all tick?
In this exciting conclusion, we'll pick apart the
key components of the open-source ecosystem,
from the motivations of contributors to the leadership
style necessarily implied by them.
What is GNU/Linux?
A collection of projects
GNU/Linux can be likened to a 500-piece puzzle with 2500
available pieces:
For any piece of the puzzle— shell, desktop environment,
web browser, right down to
C libraries and
there are around five competent options to choose from.
The operating systems built from these parts have a few
characteristics in common:
Based around some variant of the Linux kernel; and,
Utilizing GNU core utilities
Technically, GNU/Linux is a "class" of operating system.
The modularity that exists through the "package" concept
was neither planned nor intentional, but emerged
as GNU/Linux matured into a fully capable platform.
The package, and in turn the project, has become
a central organizing feature of GNU/Linux.
Many smallish projects allow users to shape their system
as they desire, allows
contributors to promote modifications to a given part,
and allows developers to reasonably introduce a new
component, as they desire.
One of the remarkable things about GNU/Linux is that no one person
(or organization, for that matter) is responsible for the production
of an entire operating system.
Rather, collecting and assembling the parts is a project of
its own, distinct from, say, shell development.
Compared to the market economy we all know and love,
open source is a strange beast:
Its works are created because what they
are is what their creators want.
Stated another way, the intent of free software is
the software itself. This differs from proprietary schemes, where the
point of software is the profit it promises.
Goods produced for their own sake are said
to have intrinsic value, and
this, in turn, underpins open source.
Intrinsic value is found in many places,
such as academic research and art on public display.
It's the reason you take out the trash, go to the gym, or plant flowers.
Stated more plainly, we are not in the business of
pleasing other people.
We are in the "I have an itch and I'm gonna scratch
it," business.
It's easy to mistake contribution for altruism, but that would be,
well, a mistake.
Rather, the existence of a bug or the absence of a feature
motivates modification, which then works its way into the
appropriate project.
Projects can attract commercial interests, as well.
Facebook taking part
in the development of Linux's new
is one such example.
But note that, in this case, as in most other cases,
the principal interest is in the software per se:
It is developed to be used, not to be sold, and is therefore
developed for its intrinsic value.
If intrinsic value were indeed the principle motivating force
of the open-source ecosystem,
it would follow that those projects with
the greatest number of use-cases garner the greatest support.
In support of this, note that the largest free-software
organization to date is neither GNU nor Linux, but the
Apache Foundation,
whose projects underpin the world wide web.[1]
Although open-source canon states that every user is a
potential developer, in practice the majority of development
is thanks to a relatively small group of people.[2]
Open-source projects are typically organized around
a small group of core developers, called maintainers.
Maintainers have the ability to modify the work however
they want, and accept user-born modifications as they see fit.
Maintainers offer new versions as they become mature, and
in so doing present the work to the world.
Pro Tip:
You can judge the relative health of a project by how recently
it's been modified. More recently is better.
Maintainers work diligently over years to present a
polished product to the world, and have earned the trust of the community;
they are the most important people of open-source, and are
the "owners" of their respective projects.[3]
An open source software project without a maintainer
has effectively been abandoned—
or it is looking for a maintainer :) .
With a common, shared goal— the project itself— the
contributors to a project form a community. As Ted Dunning put it,
"We as people come together; we have some communal interest.
As such, we build a structure together that allows us to work
together, allows us to communicate, allows us to bring in new people,
and build software together.
This is definitely not the fastest way to build software, but
it's a remarkably sustainable way."[4]
Especially about large and popular projects,
maintainership can become a matter of curating modifications.
Very large projects (like the Linux kernel or the Firefox
web browser) have been broken down into subsystems,
with each subsystem having maintainer(s) of their own.
The result is that user-born
modifications first pass through the appropriate subsystem
maintainer before being proposed to the project's
overarching maintainers, before finally being accepted into the
work itself.
See Also:
Contributors' Covenant: A Code of Conduct for Open Source and other Digital Commons Communities
Continual Improvement
The components constituting a modern GNU/Linux system
were not created overnight,
but rather through a slow process of
elaboration and refinement.
This gradual improvement is a kind of continual improvement process, and
follows a clear pattern: Deploy, study, improve, repeat.
The Linux kernel, for example, gets re-released every six weeks.
It may seem strange that a project would be released before it is
complete, but in practice software is never "finished."
It can always be improved, and for proof of this, one must only
look at the sequence of releases given by proprietary projects.
In practice, open-source software is given away for free,
attracting users. Since sources are available, interested
parties can inspect its construction, and identify
areas that could be improved.
Their modifications generally, but not always, work their way back to
source; under the guidance of maintainers, projects
stay on course.
Even marginal improvements accrue, and with each successive
iteration, the software becomes better-able to serve its
Large numbers of iterations see fantastic improvement, and
results in products that are polished and whole.
Maintainers generally prefer small improvements to
radical ones—
Bear in mind that they have probably
been maintaining the work longer than you've been studying it.
Individual improvements usually tackle one of two items:
Bug fix or feature addition.
A paging utility is a program that displays a file,
one screenful at a time.
The first widely used paging utility was more, written by
Dan Halbert as a graduate student at UC Berkeley in 1978.[5]more is a simple program: It first
fills up the screen, then waits for user input to print the
next lines.
In 1983, Mark Nudelman was a software developer working for a
company called Integrated Office Systems. From the less FAQ:
Some of our software ran on a Unix system and produced enormous log files
of its transactions. We wanted to be able to search these log files for
error messages. But the version of "vi" we were using couldn't handle
files larger than a certain size, and our log files often exceeded that
size. So we were forced to use "more" to view the files. The problem was,
once we found an error message, what we really wanted to see was the
transactions leading up to the error; that is, the lines in the log file
immediately before the error message. But more didn't allow backward
movement in the file.
We often complained about this problem. We said we needed a "backwards
more"; someone (it wasn't me, but unfortunately I don't remember who
it was) coined the name "less" as a joke on the concept of a "backwards
more". It didn't seem to me that it would be too difficult to write a
simple pager that would allow forward and backward movement.
I wrote the first version in late 1983 and we began using it internally.
I continued to enhance it and finally decided it was a useful enough
tool that I should make it available to the world. I posted the first
version to the newsgroup called (at that time) net.sources in May, 1985.
Making the program publicly available allowed an enormous number of
people to use it. Many people have made their own modifications and
donated them to me for incorporation into the official version, and
many more have reported bugs they've found or made suggestions about
features they'd like to see added. This was my first experience with
the concept of what is now called "open source" or "free software",
and it has, I believe, produced a very high quality product. I'd like
to thank all the users of less for their invaluable comments and
suggestions over the years.
Less wouldn't be what it is today without you.
Mark Nudelman continues to maintain less today.
It is, at the time of this writing, on its 590th
Dunning, Ted. ASF Member and former ASF Board Member.
Halbert, D. (n.d.). The early history of the more command. The Early History of the "more" Command. Retrieved October 21, 2021, from